TKK / Tietoliikennelaboratorio / Kurssit
S-72.060 Signaalit ja järjestelmät 











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    Signaalit ja järjestelmät
    Signals and Systems

    3 ov
    3 cr

    Kevätlukukausi 2005
    Spring term 2005

    Please use webtopi to registrate (S-72.060, choose both: Luento and Other events (Foreign Students Group), don't care the date and time of Other events!).  So you'll get e-mail what to do from course assistant.

    Lectures and exercises are in Finnish, sorry.
    Lecture notes are not yet available in English. In case you need Enlish material, please contact course assistant (link below).
    Lectures and exercises are not compulsary and there are no home works (except laboratory works).

    Compulsary 4 laboratory works can be done in English.
    Please registrate yourself to Topi's Other events!

    You can study course content on your own by using following books or using courses English material:

    [1]  A.B.Carlson:
    Communications systems. An introduction to signals and noise in electrical communication. 4th ed. Mc Graw-Hill 2001,  768p.

    [2]  S.Haykin:
    Communication systems. 4th ed. Wiley 2000, 800p.

    [3]  L.Balmer:
    Signals and systems, an introduction, 2nd edition, Prentice Hall 1997, 550p.  

    Please read chapters 2 – 6.1, 8-9. 12.1 and 14.1-4 of the reference [1] and chapters 6.4 and 7.5 of the reference [3].

    Next exam is on Monday the 14th of March 2005 at 12 - 15 in hall M or G in the main building. Compulsory registration via webtopi!

    If you want have questions in English, please contact course assistant at least one week before exam!

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    Last updated on 18th of January 2005 
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