Lab #5: LTV Channels


The purpose of a communication system is to compensate the hostile effect of the channel between transmitter and receiver. In practice the communication channel is always time-variant. Thus, it is vitally important for a communications engineer to understand such channels to be able to design counter-measures for them. The goal of this laboratory exercise is to gain understanding of LTV system characterization and the constraints posed by such a system to communication receiver design.

In this laboratory work we investigate Linear Time-Variant (LTV) communication channels, their system functions, and information that can be extracted from those functions, such as coherence time, delay spread, Doppler spread.


Material for the lab work  in pdf, 1.2 Mb. (Lab exercises updated slightly)
Hints for the lab, in pdf.




Some links



Below you see a segment of a real-world time-variant impulse response measured in Tapiola, Espoo. However, in this laboratory exercise we don't drag ourselves to Tapiola with actual channel sounding equipment, but use a hardware-based radio channel simulator instead (with 50 gigaFLOPS DSP computing power, not your average desktop PC). Channel output is measured with high speed A/D sampling boards, saved to a file and later processed with MATLAB. Other high tech used in this lab includes: 100 Msps Arbitrary Waveform Generator (AWG), spectrum analyzer, GSM tester.


Updated  16-09-2002/Lju