TKK / Tietoliikennelaboratorio / Kurssit / S-72.423 Telecommunication System

Exercise information

NOTE: First tutorial will be at week 42, Wednesday 13.10.2003, 14-16 in hall S1.

You can earn points by making home exercises. There will be 5 exercises and each exercise will be graded between 0...5.
FINAL EXERCISE GRADE = (SUM of your exercise points) / 5

Exercises can  be made in max. 3 student groups. There is no need to register groups and it is  possible to change group members between the exercises. Here is some practical rules:
- Exercises can be made alone or in groups (max. 3 students/group)
- A Group returns together just one solutions with all necessary information about group members (ie. names, and student ID's)
- A Group can make together all exercises or just one or two. So, a group member can leave from the old group and join to a new group between exercises. Thus, exercises can be done in ad hoc groups!
- Co-operation between groups is allowed but direct copying (plagiarism) is not allowed.

Exercise results can be found here.

Download exercise questions and solutions (pdf-format):

In tutorials we go through the solutions of the home exercises.

How to return your answers:
Return your answers into the course's P.O. box at the third floor of the E-wing.

Please, include the following information in your answers:
- Your name
- Your student number

Some links:

MNu 28.10.2004.