Last updated 2005-01-21/SKi

1 . N. Ermolova and P. Vainikainen:, On modelling nonlinear microwave power amplifiers in multi-carrier transmission systems", Europ. Trans. on Telecommun., vol.15, no.1, Jan.-Febr. 2004, pp.1-6.

2. E. Mutafungwa and L. Yong: "Performance of Indoor Infrared Wireless CDMA Systems with Angle Diversity", International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Vol. 25, No. 2, Feb. 2004, pp. 365-381.

3. P. Kaski, L. B. Morales, P. R. J. Östergård, D. A. Rosenblueth, and C. Velarde: Classification of resolvable 2-
(14,7,12) and 3-(14,7,5) designs, Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, Vol. 47 (2003), pp. 65-74.

4. P. Kaski and P. R. J. Östergård: Enumeration of balanced ternary designs, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol. 138, No. 1-2 (2004), 133-141.

5. A. Boukalov: The SC-MMSE turbo MIMO equalizer with reduced complexity decoding algorithms. VTC-2004 Fall

6. A. Boukalov: Cross Standard System for Future Public Safety and Emergency Communications. VTC-2004 Fall

7. A. Boukalov, V. Conan: Invited presentation: "Wireless deployble Network System for Future Public Safety Communications", Proceedings electronic version of E2R Workshop at PIMRC- 04, Barcelona, 05.09.2004

8. N.Y. Ermolova and S.-G. Haggman: Simplified bounds for the complementary error function; application to the performance evaluation of signal-processing systems. Proceed. of 12 European Signal Processing Conf. , Vienna, Austria, Sept. 6-10,2004, pp.1087-1090.

9. N.Y. Ermolova, N. Nefedov and S.-G. Haggman: An iterative method for nonlinear channel equalization in OFDM systems. Proc. of IEEE PIMRC-04, Barcelona, Spain, Sept.5-8,2004.

10. S. S. Chakraborty and L. Yong:Level crossing rate and average fade duration of the select-and-hold policy of selection diversity combining in a Rayleigh fading channel, IEEE Comm. Letters,Volume:8, Issue:6, June2004, Pages:371- 373.

11. H. Yomo, C. H. Ngyen, P. Kyritsi, T. D. Ngyen, S. S. Chakraborty, R. Prasad: PHY and MAC Performance Evaluation of IEEE 802.11a WLAN over Fading Channels, IETE Journal of Research, June 2004 (invited paper).

12. S. S. Chakraborty, M. Liinaharja and K. Ruttik: Diversity and packet combining in Rayleigh fading channels, IEE Proceedings in Communications, Nov. 2004.

13. H. Fathi, S. S. Chakraborty and R. Prasad: Performance of VoIP calls over wireless IP using SIP, WPMC 13-15 Sept. 2004.

14. H. Fathi, S. S. Chakraborty and R. Prasad: Optimisation of VoIP session setup delay over wireless links using SIP, IEEE Globecom, 29 Nov.-1st Dec. 2004.

15. L. Yong and S. S. Chakraborty: ARQ and packet combining with post reception selection diversity, IEEE VTC Fall, 26-29th Sept. 2004.

16. H. Yomo, S. S. Chakraborty and R. Prasad: Retransmission schemes with packet combining in 802.11, CODEC 2004, Kolkata, 1-3 Jan. 2004.

17. N. Ermolova and P. Vainikainen: Analysis of nonlinear amplifiers with Gaussian input signals on the basis of complex gain measurements, Europ. Trans. on Telecommun., vol.15, no.5,Sep.-Oct. 2004, pp. 501-505.

18. K. Ruttik: BER for CMOS analog decoder with different working points, 11’th International Conference in Telecommunications, ICT’04, August, 2004, pp. 885-890, Lecture notes on computer science, LNCS vol. 3124, ISBN: 3-540-22571-4.

19. K. Ruttik: Error analysis of the CMOS based soft gate for analog turbo decoder, the 15’th IEEE International Symposium on Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, PIMRC 2004, September, 2004.

20. K. Ruttik: Decoding of Punctured Turbo Codes Using Dual Codes, the 6th Nordic Signal Processing Symposium (NORSIG 2004), pp. 165 - 168, June, 2004.

21. Elmusrati, Mohammed; Tarhuni, Naser; Jäntti, Riku; Koivo, Heikki: Distributed minimum outage removal algorithm for multi-rate CDMA wireless communication systems. 6th NORDIC SIGNAL PROCESSING SYMPOSIUM - NORSIG 2004, Espoo, Finland, June 9 - 11, 2004. Espoo, Finland 2004, Helsinki University of Technology, Signal Processing Laboratory, pp. 256-259. Elektroninen julkaisu (CD-ROM).

22. Kaski, Petteri; Östergård, Patric R. J: Miscellaneous classification results for 2-desings. Discrete Mathematics, 2004. Vol. 280, nro 1-3, 65-75.

23. Kaski, Petteri; Östergård, Patric R. J: The Steiner triple systems of order 19. Mathematics of Computation, 2004. Vol. 73, nro 248, 2075-2092.

24. Haanpää, Harri; Huima, Antti; Östergård, Patric R. J: Sets in Zn with distinct sums of pairs. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2004. Vol. 138, 99-106. Elektroninen julkaisu

25. Aiache, H.; Barceló, J.M.; Blondia, C.; Boukalov, A.; Delaigle, J.; Filali, F.; Garcia, J.; Gonzalez, X.; Guimaraes, R.; Karvo, J.; Knopp, R.; Lara, E.; Nikaein, N.; Masson, S.; Meessen, J.; Mekrazi, S.; Meriläinen, V.; Morillo, J.; Parisot, C.; Pérez-Neira, A.; Realp, M.; Romaszko, S.; Santos, E.; Voorhaen, M: User Requirements and First System Architecture Design. Pariisi: 2004. 1-87 (WIDENS D2.1).

26. Aiache, H.; Barceló, J.M.; Blondia, C.; Cerdà, L.; Delaigle, J.; Filali, F.; Garcia, J.; Gonzalez, X.; Guibe, G.; Guimaraes, R.; Karvo, J.; Knopp, R.; Lara, E.; Nikaein, N.; Masson, S.; Meessen, J.; Mekrazi, S.; Meriläinen, V.; Morillo, J.; Pascual, A.; Parisot, C.; Pérez-Neira, A.; Realp, M.; Romaszko, S.; Santos, E.; Voorhaen, M: System specifications. Pariisi: 2004. 1-73 (WIDENS D2.2).

27. Aïache, H.; Barceló, J.M.; Blondia, C.; Boukalov, A.; Cerdà. L.; De Cleyn, P.; Delaigle, J.; Garcia, J.; Gonzalez, X.; Guimaraes, R.; Jaskiewicz, D.; Karvo, J.; Lara, E.; Meessen, J.; Morillo, J.; Pascual, A.;Parisot, C.; Pérez-Neira, A.; Realp, M.; Romaszko, S.; Santos, E.; Voorhaen, M.; Zhao, S: Specification of Low Layer Interface - IP/MAC Mapping. Pariisi: 2004. 1-23 (WIDENS D3.2).

26. Aïache, H.; Barceló, J.M.; Blondia, C.; Boukalov, A.; Cerdà, L.; De Cleyn, P.; Delaigle, J.; Garcia, J.; Gonzalez, X.; Guimaraes, R.; Jaskiewicz, D.; Karvo, J.; Lara, E.; Meessen, J.; Morillo, J.; Pascual, A.; Parisot, C.; Pérez-Neira, A.; Realp, M.; Romaszko, S.; Santos, E.; Voorhaen, M.; Zhao, S: Specification of IP Stack for Advanced Ad Hoc Network. Pariisi: 2004. 1-58 (WIDENS D3.1).

27. Aïache, H.; Bergonzi, L.; Conan, V.; Jaskiewicz, D.; Karvo, J.; Koponen, K.; Knopp, R.; Meessen, J.; Mekrazi, S.; Nikaein, N.; Parisot, C.; Severin, D.; Vegas Aneiros, A: Demonstration System Specifications. Pariisi: 2004. 1-34 (WIDENS D2.3).

Kaski, Petteri; Östergård, Patric R J: There exist nonisomorphic STS(19) with equivalent point codes.
Journal of Combinatorial Designs, 2004. Vol. 12, nro 6, 443-448. Elektroninen julkaisu

29. Bertolo, Riccardo; Östergård, Patric R.J; Weakley, William D: An updated table of binary/ternary mixed covering codes.
Journal of Combinatorial Designs, 2004. Vol. 12, nro 3, pp. 157-176.

30. Östergård, Patric R.J: On the nonexistence of bent Hamiltonian paths in the grid graph P3 x P5 x P5. Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications, 2004. Vol. 42, pp. 87-88.

31. Gulliver, T. Aaron; Östergård, Patric R.J: Binary optimal linear rate 1/2 codes. Discrete Mathematics, 2004. Vol. 283, nro 1-2, pp. 255-261.

32. Östergård, Patric R.J: On a hypercube coloring problem. Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A, 2004. Vol. 108, nro 2, pp. 199-204.

33. Östergård, Patric R.J: There exists no Hermitian self-dual quaternary [26,13,10]_4 code. IEEE Transactions on Information , 2004. Vol. 50, nro 12, pp. 3316-3317.

34. Östergård, Patric R.J; Vardy. Alexander: Resolving the existence of full-rank tilings of binary Hamming spaces. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 2004. Vol. 18, nro 2, pp. 382-387.

35. Östergård, Patric R.J; Seuranen, Esa A: Unidirectional covering codes. 8th Nordic Combinatorial Conference, October 20-22, 2004, Aalborg, Denmark, 2004. p. 28.

36. Östergård, Patric R.J; Pottonen, Olli: Classification of directed, hybrid, and Mendelsohn triple systems. 8th Nordic Combinatorial Conference, October 20-22, 2004, Aalborg, Denmark. p. 29.

37. Östergård, Patric R.J: A new bound for the zero-error capacity region of the two-user binary adder channel. Kolloquium über Kombinatorik, November 12-13, 2004, Magdeburg, Germany. p. 26.

38. Silvennoinen, Aki; Karhima, Teemu; Hall, Michael; Häggman, Sven-Gustav: IEEE 802.11b WLAN capacity and performance measurements in channel with large delay spreads. MILCOM 2004 Military Communications Conference, October 31-November 3, 2004. 4 s.
Elektroninen julkaisu (CD-Rom)

39. Karhima, Teemu; Silvennoinen, Aki; Hall, Michael; Häggman, Sven-Gustav: IEEE 802.11b/g WLAN tolerance to jamming.
MILCOM 2004 Military Communications Conference, October 31-November 3, 2004. 7 s . Elektroninen julkaisu (CD-ROM)

40. Nefedov, Nikolai: Channel Estimation Methods for Space-Time Block Transmission in Flat-Fading Channels. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, Berlin 2004., 2004. Vol. 3124, 504-509.

41. Nefedov, Nikolai: On Channel Estimation in SIMO and MIMO Channels. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, Berlin 2004, 2004. Vol. 3124, 532-540.

42. Nefedov, Nikolai: Channel Estimation for Space-Time Block Codes in Flat-Fading Channels. IEEE Int. Symp. on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Communications (PIMRC 2004), Barcelona, Sept, 2004.. ..

43. Ramirez, E; Nefedov, N: Soft Output Detection using Path Detector for Multiple Antennas. IEEE NORSIG, June 2004, Espoo, Finland. pp. 173-176.

44. Nefedov, Nikolai: Novel Diversity Schemes for Wireless Networks. IEEE ICT 2004, Foertoleza, Brazil, Aug.2004.

45. Golam, Sandami, M; Mukhtar, Omar; Liu, Er; Gao, Yangpo; Korhonen, Timo: Recent Development of EMC Regulation in Power-Line Communications. WPMC'04, Abano Therme, Italy 13.-15. Sept., 2004. pp. 202-206.

46. Liu, Er; Gao, Yangpo; Bilal, Osama; Korhonen, Timo O: Broadband Characterization of Indoor Powerline Channel. ISPLC'04, Zaragoza, Spain 30.3.-1.4.2004. pp. 22-26.

47. Bilal, Osama; Liu, Er; Gao; Yangpo; Korhonen, Timo O: Designs of Broadband Coupling Circuits for Power-Line Communication.
ISPLC'04, Zaragoza, Spain 30.3.-1.4.2004. pp. 333-337.

48. Gao, Yangpo; Liu, Er; Bilal, Osama; Korhonen, Timo O: Channel Modeling and Modem Design for Broadband Powerline Communications. ISPLC'04, Zaragoza, Spain 30.3.-1.4.2004. pp. 256-260.

49. Liu, Er; Gao, Yangpo; Samdani, Golam M.; Mukhtar, Omar; Korhonen, Timo O: Broadband Characterization and Capacity Consideration of Indoor Powerline Channel. International Conference on Telecommunications and Computer Networks (IADAT-tcn 2004), San Sebastian, Spain 1.-3.12.2004. pp. 440-444.

50. Liu, Er; Gao, Yangpo; Samdani, Golam M; Mukhtar, Omar; Korhonen, Timo O: Powerline Communications in an Airfield Lighting System. International Conference on Telecommunications and Computer Networks (IADAT-tcn 2004), San Sebastian, Spain 1.-3.12.2004. pp. 95-99.

51. Tarhuni, Naser G; Elmusrati, Mohamed S; Korhonen, Timo O; Mutafungwa, Edward: Multi-Access-Interference Mitigation using Power Control in Optical-CDMA Star Networks. ICC 2005 Seoul Korea, 16-20 May 2005. pp. 300-304.

52. Liu, Er; Gao, Yangpo; Bilal, Osama; Korhonen, Timo O: Indoor Powerline Channel Measurement and Capacity Analysis.
ICC'05, Seoul, Korea, 16-20 May 2005.

53. Liu, Er; Gao, Yangpo; Samdani, Golam M; Mukhtar, Omar; Korhonen, Timo O: Broadband Powerline Channel and Capacity Analysis.
ISPLC'05, Vancouver Canada, April 6-8, 2005.

54. Liu, Er; Gao, Yangpo; Samdani, Golam M; Mukhtar, Omar; Korhonen; Timo O: Powerline Communication over Special Systems.
ISPLC'05, Vancouver Canada, April 6-8, 2005.

55. Mukhtar, Omar; Samdani, Golam M; Liu, Er; Korhonen, Timo O: Development of High-rate Control System for LED-based General Lighting Application. ISPLC'05, Vancouver Canada, April 6-8, 2005.

56. N.Y. Ermolova: On the statistical properties of specially constructed M-QAM sequences in nonlinear radio channels, IEEE Commun. Letters,vol.8, no.6, 2004,pp.354-355.

57. N.Y. Ermolova; S.-G. Haggman: An extension of Bussgang’s theory to complex-valued signals, In Proc.of Norsig-04, Espoo, Finland, June 10-11, 2004, pp.45-48.

58. A. A. Abouda:PAPR reduction of OFDM signal using turbo coding and selective mapping in Proc. of Nordic Signal Processing Symposium, NORSIG 2004.,Jun. 9-11 Espoo

59. Boris Makarevitch: Delay reduction for 802.11e hybrid co-ordinator, IEE Electronics Letters ,Volume: 40 , Issue: 11 , 27 May 2004
Pages:708 - 709

60. Li Juan; Edward Mutafungwa: Rate adaptation of convolutional coded optical CDMA systems for improved goodput, Optics Communications Vol 240/4-6 (2004) pp 315-327