Updated 23.08.1999 



  1. Adrian Boukalov: "The impact of a non-uniform spatial traffic disttribution on the CDMA cellular networks system parameters",  URSI/Remote Sensing Club of Finland/IEEE   XXIII Convention on Radio Science and Remote Sensing Symposium, Otaniemi 24-25 August, 1998, Helsinki University of Technology Laboratory of Space technology Report 35, p 29-30
  2. Shyam Chakraborty & Stefan Wager: "The Inhibit Sense Multiple Access with Polling (ISMA/P): A new Medium Access Control Procedure for Cellular Data", to appear in IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology (July/Aug. 1998)
  3. Shyam Chakraborty: "The Interworking Approach for Narrowband Access to ATM Transport Based Multi-Services Mobile Networks" IEEE Personal Communications,   Aug. 1998, pp. 6-15.
  4. Shyam Chakraborty, Erkki Yli-Juuti & Markku Liinaharja, "An ARQ Scheme with Packet Combining", IEEE Communication Letters, Vol. 2, No. 7, July 1998, pp.200-202.
  5. Shyam Chakraborty & Stefan Wager: "ISMA/P: a MAC-ARQ combined scheme for packet data" submitted in IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology (communicated).
  6. Shyam Chakraborty & Stefan Wager, "A New Approach for Media Access Control for Data Traffic and its application to the GSM General Packet

  7. Radio Services", to appear in IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, Nov. 1998.
  8. Shyam Chakraborty, Markku Liinaharja and Erkki Yli-Juuti, "An ARQ scheme with packet combining for time varying channels", to appear in IEEE Communications Letters, Dec. 1998.
  9. Shyam Chakraborty "On Error Correction of Packet Data", PCT application, 14th July, 1998.
  10. Shyam Chakraborty & Stefan Wager, "ISMA/P: A MAC-ARQ combined scheme for packet data", submitted to IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology (March, 1998).
  11. Shyam Chakraborty, "Mobile Multimedia: concepts, services and systems", Handbook of Internet and multimedia systems and application, ed. Prof. Borko Furht, CRC-IEEE Press (to be published in Dec. 1998).
  12. Shyam Chakraborty, Amitava Dasgupta and  Markku Liinaharja, "Performance of an adaptive Selective reject ARQ Scheme Over Slowly Varying Channels", Wireless Personal and Multimedia Communications symposium, Yokosuka Japan, 5-7 Nov. 1998.
  13. Shyam Chakraborty, Erkki Yli-Juuti, and Markku Liinaharja , An ARQ scheme with packet combining. In Mobile ATM Project report, TKK Tietoliikennelaboratorio, Espoo 1998
  14. Shyam Chakraborty & Stefan Wager, The Inhibit Sense Multiple Access with Polling Channels. In Mobile ATM Project report, TKK Tietoliikennelaboratorio, Espoo 1998
  15. Shyam Chakraborty,  Mobile Multimedia: Concepts, Services, and Systems. In Mobile ATM Project report, TKK Tietoliikennelaboratorio, Espoo 1998
  16. Shyam Chakraborty, The Interworking Approach to Narrowband Access to ATM Transport Based Multiservices Mobile Networks, In Mobile ATM Project report, TKK Tietoliikennelaboratorio, Espoo 1998
  17. Cusani, R., Mattila, J., A new receiver for digital mobile radio channels with large multipath delay. URSI International Symposium on Signals, Systems, and Electronics, ISSSE'98, Pisa, September 29-October 2, 1998, p. 304-309.
  18. Cusani, R., Mattila, J. A Transmission/Equalisation Procedure for Mobile Digital Radio Links using Interpolated Channel Estimates. IEEE International Conference on Universsal Personal Communications, ICUPC'98, Florence, October 1998, p. 1227-1231
  19. Halme, Lauri, Kytönen, Rauno, "Background and introduction to EM screening (shielding) behaviours and measurements of coaxial and symmetrical cables, cable assemblies, and connectors", IEE Colloquium on Screening Effectiveness Measurements, IEE, London, Proceedings No. 1998/452
  20. Seppo J. Halme, Kaikki tutkijat eivät ole suinkaan samaa mieltä, Helsingin Sanomat, mielipide, 6.1.1998
  21. Seppo J. Halme, Kansainvälistyminen tuo paineita opetuskieleenkin, Helsingin Sanomat, mielipide, 30.3.1998, s. A9.
  22. Seppo J. Halme Teknologian arviointi, esityskalvot, esitys Eduskunnan tulevaisuusvaliokunnalle, 16.4.1998
  23. Seppo J. Halme, Opetuskieleksi englanti? Suomenkielestä korkeakouluissa, Sisäpiiri - TKK/S Alumni-lehti 1/98, s. 23.
  24. Seppo J. Halme, Evolutions path of ICT-Access Networks and Architectures, The 7th Summer School on Telecommunications, August, 3-7, 1998, Lappeenranta, 12 p.
  25. Seppo J. Halme, Lauri Halme, Heikki P.S. Leivo, Kari Ranta, Study of evolution of access networks, URSI/Remote Sensing Club of Finland/IEEE   XXIII Convention on Radio Science and Remote Sensing Symposium, Otaniemi 24-25 August, 1998, Helsinki University of Technology Laboratory of Space technology Report 35, p 37-38
  26. Seppo J. Halme, Televiestintäjärjestelmät, 5. painos, Otatieto 894, ISBN 951-672-238-5, 573 s.
  27. Shkumbin Hamiti: Simulation Model for Mobile ATM. In Mobile ATM Project report, TKK Tietoliikennelaboratorio, Espoo 1998
  28. Honkanen, M., Pöllänen, O., Tanskanen, J., Järvinen, E., Häggman, S-G: Comparison of Measured and Simulated pi/4-DQPSK Adjacent Channel Power Using a Functional High Power Amplifier Model, Vehicular Technology Conference 98 (VTC'98), Ottawa Canada, May 18-212, 1998.
  29. Jan Hubach, A wide band hybrid dual-delta antenna with optimized noise rejection characteristics for digital audio broadcast reception, URSI/Remote Sensing Club of Finland/IEEE   XXIII Convention on Radio Science and Remote Sensing Symposium, Otaniemi 24-25 August, 1998, Helsinki University of Technology Laboratory of Space technology Report 35, p 152-153
  30. Jorma Jormakka: Measurement and Modelling of Traffic in ATM, IN, and Mobile Networks, Licentiate course in Communications Engineering S-72.310, autumn 1997, Report O18, Helsinki University of Technology, Communications Laboratory, Otaniemi 1998, 342 pp.
  31. Antti Keurulainen, Sven-Gustav Häggman, Jyri Hakuri, An implementation study of a multimedia CBE concept, SEFI Annual Conference, 2-4. Sept. 1998, Espoo, pp. 153-161
  32. Timo Korhonen, Sven-Gustav Häggman: Novel recursive deconvolution Noise Compensation Method for Direct Sequence Radio Channel Sounding. 48th Annual Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC'98), Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, May 18-21, 1998 p. 688-692
  33. Leivo, Heikki P.S., Access- eli tilaajaverkot, Televerkkoseminari, kevät 1998, TKK Tietoliikennelaboratorio, julkaisu O19, Espoo 1998
  34. Leivo, Heikki P.S., Internet, intranet, ekstranet, Porvoon Lions-klubi, 18.2.1998
  35. Leivo, Heikki P.S., Katsaus IIC-konferenssista, Rooma 20-23.10.1998, TKK, Tietoliikennelaboratorio, Espoo 1998
  36. Tapani Nieminen: WWW-traffic modeling and WaveLAN measurement,  In Mobile ATM Project report, TKK Tietoliikennelaboratorio, Espoo 1998
  37. Antti Pietilä: CDMA network planning aspects, URSI/Remote Sensing Club of Finland/IEEE   XXIII Convention on Radio Science and Remote Sensing Symposium, Otaniemi 24-25 August, 1998, Helsinki University of Technology Laboratory of Space technology Report 35, p 27-28
  38. Boris Makarevitch, Congestion Control for Interworking Unit, In Mobile ATM Project report, TKK Tietoliikennelaboratorio, Espoo 1998
  39. Esa Malkamäki and Harry Leib: Coded diversity on block fading channels, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 1998.
  40. Esa Malkamäki and Harry Leib: Evaluating the performance of convolutional codes over block fading channels, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 1998.
  41. Esa Malkamäki and Harry Leib: Performance of truncated type II hybrid ARQ schemes with noisy feedback over block fading channel, IEEE Transactions on Communications, 1998.
  42. Esa Malkamäki: Performance of error control over block fading channels with ARQ applications, Helsinki University of Technology, Communications Laboratory, Technical Report T43, ISBN 951-22-4245-1, 150 p. (Doctoral dissertation)
  43. Edward Mutafungwa: Genetic Algorithm-based routing and Wavelength Asignment for Optical Networks. International Conference of Computing and Information Technology, ICCIT'98, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 18-20.12.1998, p. 158-162
  44. Edward Mutafungwa, Lauri  Halme, Viktor Nässi, Adrian Boukalov: A study of the Järvenpää-Lahti motorway's IT link alternatives for the connection of control stations, Espoo, Otaniemi: TKK Tietoliikennelaboratorio technology reports, 1998, 1 p.
  45. Edward Mutafungwa, Raymond Rugemalira: Optimum Control Architectures for Reliable Photonic Transport Networks, International Conference on Fiber Optics & Photonics, Delhi, India, 14-18.12.1998, p. 693-696
  46. Nefedov, Nikolai: Discrete Channel Models for Wireless Data Services, in Proceedings of IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC’98), vol.1, pp. 874-877, Ottawa, 16-21 May 1998.
  47. Nefedov, Nikolai: Application of Serially Concatenated Interleaved Codes for Wireless Data Transmission, IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Communications (ISWC'98), Montreal Canada, 212-22 May 1998 p. 7. 
  48. Nefedov, Nikolai: Discrete Channel Models for Evaluation of Error Control Strategies in CDMA, 5th International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications (ISSSSTA'98), Sun City, South Africa, 2-4 September 1998, p. 245-249.
  49. Nefedov, Nikolai: Realistic Discrete Channel Models for Error Control Strategies Evaluation, International Telecommunications Symposium, (ITC'98), São Paulo, Brazil, August 1998, p. 37-42.
  50. Shaoji Ni, Yong Liang, Sven-Gustav Häggman, "Outage Probability in GSM-GPRS Cellular Systems with and without Frequency Hopping,"  submitted to Wireless Personnel Communications (Oct. 1998).
  51. Pietilä, Antti, CDMA network planning aspects, IEEE/URSI XXII Symposium on Radio Science and Remote Sensing Symposium, Otaniemi 24-25 August, 1998, p. 27-28
  52. Merja Ranta-aho, Anu Leppinen: Aamuherätyksestä öiseen lääkärinkutsuun, Puhelinpalvelut vanhusten avohuollon apuna Suomen Kuntaliitto, Helsinki 1997, ISBN 951-755-064-2, 85 s
  53. Merja Ranta-aho, Ulla Jutila: Yhdestä numerosta ympäri vuorokauden, Hämeenkyrön pulmapuhelin vanhusten avohoidon tukena Suomen Kuntaliitto, Helsinki 1998, ISBN 951-755-101-07, 53 s
  54. Merja Ranta-aho, Ulla Jutila: The problem Phone: Simple technology assisting 24-hour telephone seivices for the elderly, 3rd TIDE Congress, 23-25 June 1998, Helsinki.
  55. Saastamoinen, Seppo: Tektronixilta digitaalinen analogiaskooppi, virtuaalinen fosfori avuksi, Prosessori, 1998, No. 8, s. 55-56
  56. Saastamoinen, Seppo: Katsauksessa GSM-DCS-testerit, miten mittaat digitaalikännykät, Prosessori, 1998, No. 8, s. 63-65
  57. Jahangir H. Sarker,: On the Maximum and Minimum Values of Retransmission Cut-Off Method for Slotted ALOHA, Vehicular Technology Conference 98 (VTC'98), Ottawa, Canada, (May 18-21 1998) pp. 1315-1320
  58. Jahangir H. Sarker, A Random access System with Multiple Copies and Random Power Levels Selection, IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Communications (ISWC'98), Montreal, Quebec, Canada, (May 22-23, 1998) p. 3
  59. Jahangir H. Sarker and Seppo J. Halme, A Stability Improved Algorithm for Multiple Power Levels Packet Transmission System in Cellular environment, International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT'98), Porto Carras, Greece, (June 21-25, 1998) pp.198-202
  60. Jahangir H. Sarker, An Analysis of Multidimensional Erlang Loss Formula for Channel Sharing in Cellular Environment, 14th Nordic Teletraffic Seminar (NTS-14), Copenhagen, Denmark, (August 18-20, 1998) pp.75-89
  61. Jahangir Sarker: The performance analysis and optimization of the GSM and GPRS random access channels,  URSI/Remote Sensing Club of Finland/IEEE   XXIII Convention on Radio Science and Remote Sensing Symposium, Otaniemi 24-25 August, 1998, Helsinki University of Technology Laboratory of Space technology Report 35, p 31-32
  62. Yuping Zhao, Jean-Damien Leclercq, Sven-Gustav Häggman, Intercarrier Interference Compression in OFDM Communication Systems by Using Correlative Coding, IEEE Communications Letters, Vl. 2, No. 8 (August 1998), pp. 214-216
  63. Yuping Zhao and Sven-Gustav Häggman, "A Study of Using Correlation Coding in OFDM Communication Systems", in Proc. International Conference on Communications (ICT'98), pp. 380-384. Porto Carras, Greece, 22-25, June 1998.
  64. Yuping Zhao and Sven-Gustav Häggman: "BER Analysis of OFDM Communication Systems with Intercarrier Interference", Proc. International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT'98), Vol. 2. pp.S38-02-1, Beijing, China, 22-24, Oct., 1998