S-72.260 Laboratory Works in Radiocommunications (2 cr)


Teacher: Kalle Ruttik  (room 205, Otakaari 8)

The course is intended for students specialising in radio communications. The goal of the laboratory works is to familiarise students with different applications in different fields of radiocommunications. The laboratory works will be done in groups of two students. All works can be done either in fall or in spring but they have to be finished during one semester. The grade is either passed or failed.

Four laboratory works and a quiz should be passed in order to get the credits from the course.  The quiz tests students' knowledge on the topics of the laboratory works and it is done individually, not in groups. The quiz is closed book test and contains 40 true/false statements, 10 from each lab work.

All laboratory works have slightly different background requirements. It is best if students have studied as many radio communications courses as possible before taking this course.

Course registration list can be found on the course bulletin board in the third floor E wing of the EE building. The latest information page contains the latest news about registration and lab shift reservation matters.

The material for the laboratory works is available on the homepage of the course. You can also get the material from the assistant.

Useful background courses:

Last Updated 01.09.2003/Kalle Ruttik